Aldi Saepurahman


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Graduated from Bangkit Academy 2022 and become a Google Certified Associate Android Developer in the same year, have interest and experience in learning Software Development using Kotlin, Flutter, and Laravel, and have interest to learn more about Software Engineering from experts, especially in Mobile Development.

Mobile Developer

    Phone : +62 882 2940 4102
    City : Bandung, Indonesia
    Email: :

I have an interest in Mobile Development, like Android Development, then have more experience in Android Programming using Flutter & Kotlin, and become a Google Certified Associate Android Developer. I have developed several applications using Flutter for Android and websites, especially applications for my thesis, and then once became a programming course assistant to help my friends complete the programming course well. In the future, i want to join with IT Company or Startup to get more experience about Mobile Development from experts and improve my Company or Startup into peak level. Besides mobile development, I have also developed several website projects using Laravel.


Kotlin Programming Click Here

I got this certification in the early of Bangkit Program. That course learned about how to use Kotlin programming from Scratch like using Control Flow (If-else, loop, etc), Kotlin Functional & OOP Programming, and short concept about Kotlin Coroutine. I've completed this course for 3 days. Even so, i didn't get perfect score in my submission because i didn't use efficient solution to my submission, but i can get more insights about programming using Kotlin.

Android Developer Expert Click Here

In the end of Bangkit Program, Bangkit Team give me the expert course because i have been completed all mandatory courses in Bangkit Program. This course learned about expert level for Android Programming like create some Modularization, Clean Architecture in my program, creating Security System to my program which i developed, and another expert concept to improve my skill into expert level. More story about this course can find in this page.

SOLID Programming Click Here

Bangkit Program provided a course to improve OOP skills, it's SOLID Programming course. That short course learned about SOLID concept in Programming, like how to separate our application code into indenpendent form, then how to create Class as reusable item in our application, and another concept to improve OOP skills.

Dart Programming Click Here

Outside from Bangkit Program, i joined in IDCamp to learned about multi-platform learning path using Dart and Flutter. IDCamp provided Dart course to studied about that. Like Kotlin course, i can get more insights about fundamental programming using Dart, and after i learned shortly about Flutter after i come back to my study in university, i'm getting more and more interested in making apps using Flutter.

Associate Android Developer Click Here

In the end of Bangkit Program, Bangkit Team give me a chance to get a Google Certification after i completed Simulation course. At the moment, i got the information from Bangkit Team that Google Certification exam for Android Certification will be revamp until next 6-12 months from the end of July. Because that, i feel panicked because i only have less than 2 weeks to redeem voucher exam from Bangkit Team and take the exam until finished. After i got that information, i immediatly took the exam in the next day. That exam was very challenging even you have been completed simulation course. You must completed the application in the 8 hours, but not from scratch, because Google Team provided sample project to completed the exam. In my experience, i could completed until might be 85% from all of exam questions, and explain my completion in the interview session. Even so, i still can get the Google Certification.


Kotlin Expert
Dart Advanced
Java Advanced
Kotlin Android Expert
Flutter Android Advanced
Android MVVM Advanced
PHP/Laravel Expert
Javascript Advanced
Git Advanced
Connect to API Advanced
Problem Solving Advanced
Leadership Advanced
Communication Advanced
Teamwork Advanced



If you are interested in working with me, you can contact me to my social media or to my contact below.


Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Gg. Elos Barat RT 06/05 Babakan Ciparay, Bandung, Indonesia

Call to Whatsapp

+62 882 2940 4102