Project information

  • Category: Android App & Website
  • Project date: 01 Februari, 2023
  • Project URL: Rongga
  • Details: Click Here

Story Behind Development

This application is designed in order to fulfil my graduation studies or as my thesis in computer science. This application began to be designed from February 2023 using Flutter and was completed in June 2023. There are many obstacles in the development of this application, such as problems with hosting when developed on the website, as well as when saving application data that often fails. However, in the end all these problems were resolved.

This application is designed with the aim of assisting counseling teachers at a Junior High School under study in grouping student groups with student learning styles and the help of the average final grades of students in the previous semester. There is no special algorithm in this application, only basic algorithms such as grouping and equalising the average final grade of each student so that each student group has a balance of academic abilities, and creating differentiated learning in the classroom.

The application succeeded in achieving a score of 79.57% in terms of feasibility using the system usability scale test, but there needs to be an improvement so that the final results of the feasibility are even better. The obstacle of testing this application is the adaptation of users who are less long so that there needs to be guidance in using this application. In addition, respondents from testing this application have difficulty thinking systematically when using the application, so it is necessary to train or provide a more detailed user guide.

You can find the website version from this app on this link. In this application, that have some pages and features, such as:

  • Onboarding, you can find this when you use the application for the first time.
  • Authentication, the application provides authentication to use main features in this program, such as Register and Login.
  • Homepage, you will find your learning style test result (for student), and learning style statistics of a student group (for teacher & admin).
  • Search, you will find all of student list (for teacher) or teacher list (for student) in this page, and you can see their profile.
  • Profile, you can see your detail information in this page.
  • Learning Style Questionnaire, If student want to get their type of learning style, they must answer all of the questions in these features.
  • Final Score Input, as a teacher, you can enter all of students' final grades, either manually or automatically by importing excel file.
  • Create Rombel, as a counseling teacher, you can create the new student groups using the learning style results from students automatically.
  • Tahun Ajaran & Rombel Sekolah Management, as an admin, you can manage all of Tahun Ajaran data and all of Rombel Sekolah data in their school.