Project information

  • Category: Sistem Informasi Akuntansi STIKES Santo Borromeus
  • Project date: 10 November, 2022
  • Project URL: SIAK STIKes
  • Details: Click Here

About SIAK STIKes Santo Borromeus

The St. Borromeus' SIAK STIKes is a system used to help accountants working at the St. Borromeus STIKes to carry out accounting cycles such as recording financial transactions, keeping journals, keeping ledgers, and so on. This system can also perform calculations for depreciation or amortization and recap reports.

Story Behind Development

This application was designed in the form of collaboration between STIKes Santo Borromeus and my university, where STIKes accountants need an application that can ease their work processing in terms of accounting, such as recording monthly transactions, calculating profit and loss, printing worksheets, and calculating the depreciation process of assets and income. This collaboration lasted for 4 months, from early September to early January to complete the application requested by the STIKes accountant.

To complete this application, my team and I started designing this application from the use case definition process, functional requirements, to finally entering the program code implementation process. The development process is very intense because it is also necessary to understand the process of running the accounting cycle so that this application can also be easy to use. Due to the large number of needs requested, as well as a minimal understanding of accounting, application development was slow at the beginning, but accelerated towards the end of the collaboration period.

Because STIKes wants an application that runs on the desktop, we chose the desktop as the platform for this application to run, and used Flutter to quickly work on the appearance of the application.

After the application has been developed and tested, it has the following list of features:

  • Login, used to enter the application for users, with the aim of maintaining data security from the application.
  • Dashboard, used to display statistical information on incoming transactions during the month.
  • Chart of Account (CoA), used to manage all account data from STIKes in processing transactions every month.
  • General Journal & Adjustment Journal, used to manage and record all transactions that enter STIKes every month, and group them based on the type of journal available.
  • Ledger, used to display all incoming transactions every month per account.
  • Worksheet, used to display data on all total transaction balances from all existing accounts after calculating transactions and also profit and loss.
  • Profit and Loss, used to display profit and loss data for that month.
  • Amortization, used to display data on depreciation of goods or income at STIKes

My Role

  • Project Manager
    • Dividing tasks and controlling the progress of the Accounting Information System application
    • Keeping the program code from conflicts does not occur and can be run optimally through Git
  • System Analyst
    • Designing the Use-Case scheme of the application being developed
    • Test the performance of the application so that it can run as specified at the beginning
  • Mobile Backend Developer
    • Designing application architecture using BloC
    • Integrate all application features with Supabase


Huge thanks to my beloved friends to help me in developed this application into Flutter version, Muhammad Ilham Malik, Hikmawati Fajriah Ayu Wardana, Christina Prilla Rosaria Ardyanti, Mochamad Mufid Abiyyu.