Project information

About Heal & Go

Heal & Go is an application that can give some recommendation about users' vacation destinations based on their needs, especially for the younger generation that need short escape as "Healing". This application was built using Kotlin with added some Machine Learning models to give destination recommendations for the user and store all of the application data in Google Cloud.

Story Behind Development

This application has been created when I was still at Bangkit Academy and developed as my final project (call as "Capstone" in Bangkit Program). To complete this, I got company from Android path, Machine Learning path, and Cloud Computing path. We had time for a month from May to complete this application from scratch. In the beginning, the Android team (my friend and i) struggled when we developed the UI program in the Android application because more new content needed to learn about how that content worked, and after that, we can implemented it into our application. More than that, we needed to think about how we can bring user recommendations from Machine Learning models into the Android app because the Bangkit team didn't give a way to solve this problem. But, in the end, all of the team members (including the Machine Learning team and Cloud team) discussed this problem and take the solution to save our models in Google Cloud, and the Android team will get that recommendation from Google Cloud.

After a month, we can completed this application and presenting it to Bangkit team. Unfortunately, we can reached Top 50 Capstone Project. Even so, we can got more experience about teamwork and how to developed the application based on timeline. In this application, that have some pages and features, such as:

Splashscreen, Onboarding, and Authentication, you can Splashscreen when you start the application, and if you use the application for the first time, you will be redirected to the Onboarding page. After passing that page, you will be redirected to Authentication, such as Register and Login.

Dashboard, you will find your top recommendation list on this page based on your preference and the app's recommendation on your homepage. if you want to find the destination based on a search by keyword or category, you can choose the Discover page and see destination detail. And this application provides a Profile page to show your detailed information.

Questionnaire, If you want to get your recommendation, you must answer all of the questions in these features.

Card Recommendations, after you answer all of the questions, the application will give you some recommendations about the destination in the Card Stack form. You can like or dislike all of the recommendations given by the app using the button or swiping the card.

My Role

  • Work closely with the team, including with team members Android to develop Heal&Go applications
  • Designing some required assets and component on application
  • Develop application architecture in the form of MVVM
  • Integrate applications with database & API on Google Cloud
  • Designing the logic of the Discover feature, Recommendation Card, and Login & Register


Huge thanks to my beloved friends to help me in developed this application, Muhammad Ilham Malik, Christina Prilla Rosaria Ardyanti, I Wayan Pande Putra, Hubertus Hans, Nur Ridho Rizki.

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