Project information

  • Category: Android App
  • Project date: 30 October, 2022
  • Project URL: Trip Aja
  • Details: Click Here

Story Behind Development

To be honest, this application has been builded when I was still in Bangkit Program, but that was still in the Kotlin version with the application name. is "Heal & Go". So, when I come back to my study at university, I want to build that in Flutter version to complete my subjects about Mobile Programming in my study with my beloved friends in university. Convert this program into Flutter, effectively takes 2-3 weeks to complete this. But, because my friends and I didn't take only Mobile Programming subjects this semester, the development for this program take until 2 months including the backend implementation of the application. When we developed this program to Flutter, we found some problems like an overflow page in the application UI, miscolored the background, problems to implemented MVVM into this application, and problems with where the Machine Learning model can be stored to called by the application because this application needed Machine Learning to run the recommendation.

After exhausting 2 months, we can completed this application in the Flutter version and tested that for the public, and with Usability Testing, our application can reach 89%, which means our application is so good to use by the public. Even so, more people suggest about to include localization or Indonesia language to this program because this program only has the English language, and then gives more content about the destination detail to the application. You can try this application in this page.

In this application, that have some pages and features, such as:

  • Splashscreen, you can find this when you start the application.
  • Onboarding, you can find this when you use the application for the first time.
  • Authentication, the application provides authentication to use main features in this program, such as Register and Login.
  • Homepage, you will find your top recommendation list in this page based on your preference and app's recommendation.
  • Discover, you will find all of destination list in this page, and you can find the destination based on search by keyword or category.
  • Profile, you can see your detail information in this page, and you can go out from main application to Login page using Logout button in this page.
  • Questionnaire, If you want to get your recommendation, you must answer all of the questions in these features.
  • Card Recommendations, after you answer all of the questions, the application will give you some recommendations about the destination in the Card Stack form. You can like or dislike all of the recommendations given by the app using the button or swiping the card.

My Role

  • Dividing tasks for each team member within developing TripAja applications, such as sharing feature work
  • Developing the TripAja application architecture in the form Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
  • Developing Questionnaire & Recommendation features Card, both UI/UX and feature integration to API
  • Integrate all features of the database & API


Huge thanks to my beloved friends to help me in developed this application into Flutter version, Muhammad Ilham Malik, Hikmawati Fajriah Ayu Wardana, Christina Prilla Rosaria Ardyanti.

Also Read: Heal & Go